

Advanced technology for railways

Railway vehicle wheels are subject to permanent stress and high wear. In order to prevent derailments due to worn wheels, these have to be continually checked and replaced as needed.

Advanced technology for railways

Railway vehicle wheels are subject to permanent stress and high wear. In order to prevent derailments due to worn wheels, these have to be continually checked and replaced as needed.

At the Institute for Digital Image Processing of JOANNEUM RESEARCH, this topic has been the focus of intensive research over the last two years. The result is a method which revolutionizes the mobile measurement of railway vehicle wheels.. Until now, service workshops have used gages to check the shape of railway vehicle wheels. This outdated method is error-prone and time-consuming. Thanks to the Styrian innovative spirit, railway operators can now access a modern measurement device, which makes the necessary safety-related inspections faster, more accurate and less costly.

The team under the Head of the Institute, Dr. Albert Niel foundedNEXTSENSE Mess- und Prüfsysteme GmbHwith the aim of quickly turning their research into usable productsHon. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pelzl,Managing Director of JOANNEUM RESEARCH, speaks of an "exemplary model of technological policy in the Austrian research sector," as it once again shows that applied research in Styria creates employment and increases regional added value in the long term. JOANNEUM RESEARCH will continue to collaborate at a scientific level with the young company; generated license sales will flow directly back into new application-orientated research projects.

As the first success, NEXTSENSE GmbH is already an important key customer. ÖBB-Technische Services GmbH is already using the first measurement devices. Talks are currently being held on Europe-wide distribution by ÖBB-Technische Services..

Contact in the event of queries:
DI Clemens Gasser (qualified engineer), Managing Director
NextSense Mess- und Prüfsysteme GmbH
Wastiangasse 6, 8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (0)316 876 1736


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